Summary of the potential effects
of oil on the environment
There are a number of ways that oil may be introduced
into the marine environment, including the operational,
accidental and illegal discharges from shipping
(and to a lesser extent boating), tanker accidents
resulting in major oil spills, dumping of industrial
wastes, sewage and industrial discharges and atmospheric
deposition. For ports and harbours located within
urbanised areas, all of these sources are likely
to occur. For many estuaries, inlets or bays chronic
inputs (for example sewage and industrial effluents)
are the most important source of oils. It follows
from this that within the port environment, port
or shipping related activities might not be the
only cause, or the major cause, of any oil contamination
that may exist.
Over 80% of reported oil spills
occur within port and harbour areas, however the
majority are small in size and result from normal
operations such as loading and bunkering (MPCU 1997).
Other inputs may occur from the transport of oil
in tankers, including the accidental or illegal
discharges of tank washings and oil-contaminated
ballast water. However, oil pollution is not only
a concern of ports with oil terminals or commercial
traffic, but small ports, harbours and marinas can
also contribute to the amounts of oils entering
the marine environment. Inputs from recreational
craft are generally recognised as being insignificant
in comparison to the inputs from commercial shipping
(BMIF 1997), but can contribute to the potential
effects of oil pollution in marine SACs. For example,
sources of oil contamination in marinas include,
spills of fuel and lubricating oils, exhaust emissions,
wood treatment solutions, and run-off from marina
parking lots (Voudrais & Smith 1986). These
are common sources that also arise from shipping
and maintenance activities in ports and harbours.
It is difficult to assess the effect of oil in
the marine environment because of the large variation
in sources, quantities, and nature of the oil, also
the physical, chemical and biological conditions
of the environments involved. The majority of research
relating to the effects of oil on the marine environment
relate to major oil spill events, usually from shipping
accidents and groundings, the environmental effects
of which are well known by all, particularly the
associations with oiled birds and mammals. However,
very little literature describes the effects of
chronic discharges from run-off or numerous small
discharges of oil, which are common in port and
harbour areas. A summary of some of the potential
effects of oil on the environment is shown below.
As well as causing environmental damage, oil pollution
can be very costly to clean up.
Summary of the potential effects
of oil on the environment
- Marine animals and plants tend to be tolerant
of low level concentrations of oil in sediments
from chronic or small discharges, however this
is not always the case.
- Exposure to major and minor oil spills can lead
to the mass mortality of benthic communities,
fish, marine mammals and birds, and the severe
damage of saltmarsh.
- Conversely, the effects of major oil spills
on marine habitats and species can often be temporary
and non-fatal (for example Zostera beds
were exposed to oil after the Sea Empress incident
with little or no observable effects).
- Saltmarsh vegetation often recovers well after
a single spill, however chronic pollution may
cause the long-term loss of saltmarsh vegetation
(Toft et al 1994). Different saltmarsh
species show different tolerance to oil, with
the result that repeated spillages may alter the
community structure and allow tolerant species
to become dominant (Field Studies Council Oil
Pollution Research Unit 1994).
- Contamination of sediments with oil may modify
chemical, physical and biological processes (Berge,
Lichtenthaler & Oreld 1987). Contaminants
can be trapped in the sediments and later released
as a result of disturbance, such as erosion.
- In sediments, as it is organic, oil will be
broken-down relatively quickly by micro-organisms
which may result in the localised removal of oxygen
from the sediments and surrounding water with
possible effects on marine life.
- The persistent toxic constituents of oil, such
as heavy metals, can become stored in the sediments
and taken up into the food chain. Therefore, following
large oil spills, even where animals recover in
diversity and density, they may continue to suffer
physiological and behavioural disorders which
can result in reduction of growth and reproduction,
and in the worse cases, death. For example, liver
lesions in flatfish are associated with high concentrations
of oil in sediments (Weston 1990).
- The breakdown of oil tends to be slowest in
intertidal areas, which leads to the highest concentrations
and longest residence times (Keizer et al
The containment, dispersal or clean-up of oil spills
can greatly minimise the extent of the effects on
the environment. The use of dispersants assists
in the breakdown of oil, removing it from the water
surface and preventing its spread, therefore timely
use in the right locations may prevent oil spills
reaching the intertidal and may avoid or reduce
impacts on birds. However, they promote the penetration
of oil into the sediments, potentially affecting
shallow fishing grounds and other sensitive intertidal
habitats. In cases where oil cannot be prevented
from covering intertidal habitats it may sometimes
be better left untreated and allowed to be removed
by tidal action, as the clean up operations are
often more damaging than the effects of the oil
alone (Howard, Baker & Hiscock 1989). For example,
considerable damage was caused by vehicles driving
over eelgrass Zostera beds during clean-up
operations following the Sea Empress spill (SEEEC
1996). All environmentally sensitive areas should
be identified in the risk assessment.
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