Environmental policy, reviews and
management systems
Preparation of an environmental policy
or review
The ABP Environmental Review
Implementation of an environmental
management system
Environmental Management System in
the Ports of Truro and Penryn
Ports need to improve the transparency of the actions
that they take in the normal course of operations
that also protect the environment. Each major function
of the port and harbour requires consideration of
the environment within its normal management operation.
Yet, the absence of a written statement of environmental
policy, environmental review or a formal environmental
management system has made it difficult to explain
to government, environmental groups and the public
the sheer extent of environmental activity within
the ports industry. Therefore, increased accountability
of port and harbour operations may be achieved through
informal or formal means with the common aim of
recording and publishing them. A major benefit of
undertaking environmental reviews and implementing
environmental management systems is the ability
to identify environmental issues for a port and
to provide a means of ensuring that they are managed
in a systematic and effective way.
Preparation of an environmental
policy or review
There is no doubt that there will be an ever-increasing
requirement for environmental reporting. Some major
companies have produced comprehensive environmental
reports covering:
- description of operations and environmental
- clear environmental objectives, quantified where
- quantified performance against objectives,
- external auditing of environmental performance,
- certification to the International Standard
ISO14001, the European Eco-Management and Audit
Scheme (EMAS) and/or risk ratings such as Safety
and Environmental Ratings Management (SERM).
Such companies tend to be in the manufacturing
or utility sector, where there are clear inputs
(electricity and water) and identifiable outputs
(emissions and waste). Typically these reports cover
five to seven main themes. The ports industry has
a more complex problem when preparing an environmental
review of its operations with up to 20 themes to
be covered at the same level of aggregation. Energy
and water consumption are minimal factors compared
to the hands on management of the real
environment by ports. Also much of what ports do
is in a regulated environment and requires the ports
industry to work closely with a wide range of Government
and local authorities.
In these circumstances it becomes difficult to
define quantified environmental objectives at an
early stage. A review of a port or harbours environmental
policy is therefore a first step. The environmental
policy review can be backed up by a management system
that tracks achievement of the environmental objectives
in terms of time, whilst trying to avoid intruding
on existing well-established management practices.
An example of a recently prepared environmental
review is Associated British Ports (ABP) A better
place in the environment, the steps taken to
develop of which is described in Box 11. The Port
of Dover is in the process of developing its second
Environmental Review. Its first review,
which was published in 1998, provided an overview
of the ports environmental performance during
1997 and established specific targets to ensure
that progress could be monitored effectively (Dover
Harbour Board 1998).
As part of the ECO-information in European Port
project, a self-diagnosis methodology has been designed
to allow port managers to regularly review their
environmental management practice and to identify
their environmental priorities as the first step
in an environmental review. This self-diagnosis
methodology or SDM98 examines environmental management
together with key aspects (compliance, port development,
incident control, current actions) of the environmental
issues targeted by this European project. The SDM98
is being completed by over 50 ports in Europe and
the UK, including a number of ports belonging to
the British Ports Association who are prime partners
in the project. The analysis of these results will
provide individual ports with an overview of their
environmental strengths and weaknesses and provide
review the environmental situation in the European
port sector. The software version and analysis tool
are under development (Tyler-Walters Cardiff University
personal communication 1999).
The ABP Environmental Review
The ABP environmental review explains the complex
background within which ports must operate and sets
out the wide range of environmental issues to all
possible "stakeholders". This makes clear
the fact that the ports have been involved in environmental
management for a long time, and explains the constraints
and motivation for their actions. It also sets out
overall environmental goals, in terms of sustainability,
and specific unquantified objectives for each theme
in the review.
Themes covered include environmental management,
marine safety, operations, coastal zone management,
conservation schemes and biodiversity, dredging,
pollution and ships waste, and developmental
projects. Following the wide distribution of the
review, ABP are in the process of searching for
quantified measures (benchmarks) for the environmental
objectives which are genuinely within the control
of port management. The review represents a baseline
on which formal environment management and reporting
can be built.
The review is widely recognised as the most comprehensive
environment report from a UK port company yet, and
has received acclaim from a number of sectors. At
the recent ACCA national reporting awards ceremony
Mr Michael Meacher, the Environment Minister, singled
out three companies as being good examples of first
time reporting, including ABP. In their submission
to government relating to the review of Trust Ports,
RSPB recommended that Trust Ports should be required
to prepare and publish an environmental review.
They stated that "A good example of the kind
of thing required is the Environmental Review published
by ABP".
of an environmental management system
A number of ports and harbours within or near marine
SACs have developed an environmental policy and
some are implementing some type of environmental
management system. Environmental management systems
are an internal system of procedures and reviews
that seek to identify and minimise the impacts of
port operations. In some cases these systems have
been developed to meet the International Standards
for environmental management systems (ISO14001 (BS
EN ISO 14001)) and others have been prepared according
to the guidelines of the European Eco-Management
and Audit Scheme (EMAS).
At present EMAS registration is restricted to companies
in the mining, manufacturing, utility or waste sectors,
although it is due for revision for implementation
in the year 2000. The specifications of EMAS are
changing into a more user-friendly format and if
a regulatory regime comes into force then EMAS will
be central to it. In 1998, Michael Meacher stated
that any voluntary systems must achieve or approach
EMAS certification to be regarded as acceptable.
The principal features of the revised EMAS will
- Environmental management systems based
on 14001
Covering all types of sites
and organisation
Details of verification
Compliance with legal standards
Summary of environmental
Commitment to improvement
Data on performance against
Open dialogue with stakeholders
Summary of impacts
A new type of environmental
- Description of organisation
Publicly available tier reporting
Environment policy can be
used to
report on national or sectoral indicators.
An environmental management system is likely to
be only as effective as it is designed to be, but
they can be designed so that real achievements can
be made. These achievements may simply be increased
awareness of the ports of any potentially damaging
operations and the identification of solutions,
to the implementation of good housekeeping practices
to minimise pollution (Rennis 1995). Education of
staff, sub-contractors, suppliers and the public
play an important role in an environmental management
system and increasing public awareness of the objectives
that the port is trying to achieve helps in the
success of implementation. The benefits of implementing
an environmental management system in the Ports
of Truro and Penryn are discussed in Box 12.
Whether an environmental management system is being
developed for the purpose of specific accreditation
or simply to provide a more strategic approach to
a port's existing management procedures and reviews,
the key steps involved in setting up and implementing
the system are the same. A brief summary of these
steps is contained in Appendix G, which draws on
the guidance for participants in EMAS published
by the Institute of Environmental Assessment (1998)
and the guide for integrating conservation into
environmental management systems published by the
Earthwatch (1998).
Environmental Management System
in the Ports of Truro and Penryn
The Ports of Truro and Penryn have been implementing
an environmental management system in the Fal Estuary
for several years. Their activities attracted the
interest of English Nature who provided assistance
to aid in the preparation of interpretative material
and provided advice, where necessary, in achieving
objectives and targets set by the port. The Ports
describe many benefits from implementing the environmental
management system. Perhaps the greatest benefits
arise from simply keeping records of information
and quantified data on the ports activities,
operations and developments. A more specific benefit
came from a review of suppliers undertaken as part
of the management system, which resulted in the
purchase and use of pontoons made of recyclable
plastic which has a much longer design life than
wooden alternatives. The environmental management
system is in the process of being registered for
ISO 14001 accreditation (Brigden personal communication
Further guidance is provided in the PIANC environmental
management framework for ports and related industries,
which provides generic guidelines for managing environmental
issues based on the principle of sustainable development.
This framework can be tailored to meet the needs
of the full range of relevant individual organisations,
covering all activities associated with waterborne
transport and its infrastructure, as well as being
able to conform to international standards for environmental
management if required (PIANC in preparation).
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