Moore, J.A. 1987 Lamprothamnium - a pioneer
in the conservation of the aquatic environment.
Included in this letter about Lamprothamnium
papulosum, is the comment that Ait
is likely that, as with other charophytes, its growth
is inhibited by the high phosphate levels (above
20 µg/l B
not stated whether this concentration is as phosphorus)
which result from contamination by human sewage
or agricultural waste. Most charophytes, including
Lamprothamnium, cannot tolerate prolonged
disturbance of the sediments such as when motor
boat traffic causes detrital matter to remain in
suspension for longer periods than would occur naturally.
... Lamprothamnium papulosum has been found
regularly in the Dorset Fleet since the 1890's,
and my own investigations suggest that it is present
throughout the year.
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