Bingham, N. 1997 The response of charophytes to
salinity changes in a coastal lagoon.
Tidal range 0.15m at Abbotsbury, to 2m at Smallmouth
(Smith & Laffoley 1992). Charophytes are associated
with clean, unpolluted water because most species
cannot tolerate high levels of phosphates and nitrates.
Levels in excess of 20 µg/l inhibit their
growth [doesn=t
specify which nutrient or whether concentration
expressed as phosphorus] whilst encouraging other
plants (Stewart & Church 1992, Red Data Book,
Stoneworts, JNCC). Lamprothamnium papulosum
can tolerate near marine salinities of up to 35
gl-1 (Stewart, 1997, Stoneworts - connoisseurs
of clean water, British Wildlife supplement). Its
optimum salinity is 26 gl-1, with a range
of 8-18 gl-1 in Denmark (Olsen 1963,
Danish Charophyta: Chronological, ecological and
biological investigations, Khem: Copenhagen). It
is a summer annual, germinating in spring. Oospores
are produced between July and September.
Estimations of the historical marine-freshwater
regimes of the lagoon are made from diatom species
composition and Lamprothamnium papulosum
oospore record of core samples with depth, but dating
of sediment depths was not performed, so these estimations
cannot be allocated to a time period. The work indicates
that the Fleet has been brackish, but with marine
intrusion similar to the present situation, for
many years. Dominance by macrophytes is seen throughout
the core, with more subtle changes in the balance
of marine, brackish and freshwater diatoms attributed
to such events as the construction of Portland Harbour,
and the changes in channel morphology of Smallmouth
when the new road bridge to Portland was constructed
(1984). The overall salinity regime of the Fleet
is, however, seen as relatively stable - neither
becoming progressively more marine, nor rapidly
progressing to a freshwater system.
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