Dyrynda, P. & Cleator, B. 1995 The Fleet Lagoon. . Lyme Bay Environmental Survey. Vol. 5 Kerr-McGee.

A comprehensive description of the marine biological interest of the Fleet [to 1995], in particular the subtidal communities of the Narrows and Ferrybridge area, and the extensive seagrass beds in the mid and western Fleet. Much of the information is summarised from previous work, but additional diver transects were performed in the >link channel= (the Narrows to Ferrybridge) area, and core samples were taken in the seagrass/algal meadows for analysis for sediment particle size, hydrocarbon and macro invertebrate analysis. This paper provides a comprehensive summary of work to date [1995] on the marine biological interest of the lagoon, as well as a summary of hydrographic conditions.

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