
The purpose of studying activities around the site, or within its catchment, are two-fold. In the first instance, it is to determine whether there are any activities being undertaken which generate factors to which conservation features are sensitive, i.e. to determine potential vulnerability of those features, and therefore to assess whether further studies, particularly of water quality parameters, are required. Secondly, where further studies indicate there is a need for management, more detailed information on activities may be required to determine the most effective management measures; such information will be partly gathered by monitoring and modelling of relevant inputs to the site (see next section).

The degree to which contributing activities are differentiated, e.g. breaking down "agriculture" into different farming practices, will depend on the information available and the information required to implement effective management measures. Work around the Fleet, and review of potential water quality issues in lagoons, indicates that activities to be considered are likely to include some of all of the following:

  • agriculture (direct run-off, via streams, via atmosphere, changes in land use);
  • point discharges - both direct and indirect via streams (sewage treatment works, storm overflows, private;
  • atmospheric discharges;
  • run-off or pollution incidents from adjacent urban or industrial development;
  • dumping of waste;
  • wildfowl;
  • developments that affect or change the physical structure of the lagoon, including channels within it, leading to reduced flushing or seawater ingress, including percolation, e.g. coastal defence works;
  • development/abstraction reducing freshwater input and subsequent effect not only on salinity but also flushing.

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