Lagoonal invertebrates
A range of invertebrates are found within saline
lagoons in the UK including a number that are specialised
to the habitat. Of these specialist lagoonal invertebrates,
the small amount of information found on potential
sensitivity to changes in water quality of concerns
the starlet sea anemone Nematostella vectensis.
The starlet sea anemone Nematostella vectensis
is a small edwardsiid anemone found in sheltered
brackish habitats on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts
of North America and on the south and east coasts
of England. It is plentiful throughout its range
in North America, but is considered vulnerable to
extinction through habitat loss in England, where
its distribution is restricted to brackish and saline
ponds or lagoons. At present there is insufficient
data to permit informed management of populations
of the species and its habitat. It is found in shallow
waters on fine sands and muddy sediments with shingle,
where the mud has a high organic content. It occurs
in shallow brackish waters, with low near-bottom
flow rates, and where freshwater inputs are relatively
low and regular seawater inflows occur. It is tolerant
of conditions where the sediment surface may become
anoxic, but where water column oxygen concentration
remains high, as it can climb onto macrophytes (such
as Chaetomorpha and Ruppia spp.) into
oxygenated water. Salinity at the sites in England
where it is found varies from 2-42 ppt, with
the largest populations found where salinity varies
between 16-36 ppt. Nematostella vectensis
is eurythermal (-1EC
to 28EC). It feeds
on juvenile molluscs (Hydrobia and Littorina)
and chironomid larvae, as well as ostracods and
copepods. Populations at sites studied on the south
coast of England reach their highest densities at
the end of the year, falling in late winter back
to previous spring/summer levels of abundance. These
populations have been found to consist entirely
of females reproducing asexually (Sheader et
al 1997). No information is available on effects
of nutrients on Nematostella vectensis.
No information was found concerning the sensitivity
to changes in water quality of other specialist
lagoonal species such as the polychaete Armandia
cirrhosa or the amphipod Gammarus insensibilis.
There is also a paucity of studies from saline lagoons
of impacts on other invertebrates. However, a number
of invertebrate species found in lagoons either
occur in estuaries (or indeed are more characteristically
estuarine), e.g. the surface feeding spionid worm
Streblospio shrubsolii, or form species pairs
with estuarine species, e.g. lagoonal cockle Cardium
glaucum (cf the closely related common
cockle Cardium edule). Observations from
estuaries therefore provide an indication of likely
effects within saline lagoons. For example, Scott
et al (1999) provide an overview of impacts
on benthic communities from nutrient enrichment
(and/or organic enrichment as the effects of the
two are often difficult to separate). Invertebrates
are impacted by elevated nutrients particularly
through oxygen depletion in the water column and
sediments as a result of excessive benthic and planktonic
algal growth and decay. Invertebrates may also be
impacted by smothering of the sediment by macroalgal
mats, as observed in the Ythan estuary where both
Corophium and Cardium were affected
(Raffaelli et al 1989). Different taxonomic
groups appear to exhibit different sensitivity to
hypoxia, ie in order of increasing sensitivity from
polycheates to molluscs/bivalves to echinoderms
and crustaceans (Scott et al 1999).
Studies on the sensitivity of seagrass Zostera
to oil pollution referred to above (see Davison
and Hughes 1998) highlighted that the associated
fauna, including epiphytic grazers, seem to suffer
more damage than the eelgrass itself.
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